Faith & Nurture

This team supports faith development and fosters community in our congregation through education, fellowship, and hospitality. 


Faith & Practice

This team provides ways for our congregation to put faith into practice by reaching out and ministering to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the church community, the local community, and around the world.  


Faith & Worship

This team supports the congregation in its worship life, involves members in the leadership of corporate worship, encourages personal worship, and maintains the integrity of worship services and spaces at FPC.


Faith & Structure

This team is responsible for the church building and its use, church grounds, and all properties under the church's care. 




This team nominates and presents an annual slate of candidates for church offices and calls  congregational meetings for approval of nominees.



This team handles all personnel matters, including creating and updating personnel policies, handbooks and job descriptions, as well as staff hiring and evaluations.


Resource Development

This team advises the church treasurer and the session on the financial affairs and investments of the church to ensure sound fiscal responsibility and foster faithful stewardship.


Board of Deacons

The office of deacon as set forth in scripture is one of sympathy, witness and service after the example of Jesus Christ.

Meet Our Deacons



The session is the council for the congregation and is composed of ruling elders, elected by the congregation to active service,
as well as all installed pastors and associate pastors.  
The session is responsible for governing the congregation and guiding
 its witness to the sovereign activity of God in the world so that the congregation is and becomes a community of faith, hope, love and witness.


Current Session Members: 

2023-2024 Session at FPC Wooster

Moderator: Rev. David Rice 

Clerk of Session: Lisa Rumbaugh

Elders:  Paula Abrecht, Wes Davis, Dave Earley, Kris Evans, April Gamble,
Carol Gates, Mark Gordon, Bobbi Jentes-Mason, Mimi Lewellen,
Laura Neill, Jeff Perkins, Jim Webster, Mattie Dunlap (youth elder)


First Presbyterian Church of Wooster

First Presbyterian Church of Wooster
621 College Avenue Wooster, OH 44691
Office Hours: M, T, TH 9:00-4:00

Copyright © 2025 First Presbyterian Church of Wooster. All rights reserved.