Community is important to the members of First Presbyterian Church. Through our time and talents, our congregation volunteers in the Wooster community on a daily basis. We love sharing our gifts in the place we call home. Below is a small sampling of the places we are called to serve:
People to People, Mocha House, Viola Startzman Free Clinic, Wooster Community Hospital, The Creative Academy, Steps at Liberty Center, Secrest Arboretum at The OARDC, Salvation Army, United Way, The Village Network, The College of Wooster, Ohio State ATI, Meals Together, Wooster City Schools, Triway School District, Central Christian, Pleasant Hill Outdoor Camp, YMCA, The Hope Center, Boy's and Girl's Club, STEPS, Hospice, West View Healthy Living, Ohio Light Opera, Junior Women's League, Kiwanis, Wooster Noon Lions, Rotary, Habitat for Humanity of Wayne County, Wayne County Chaplain Ministries
FPC is an Earth Care Congregation and PROUD to be GREEN! Protecting God's world is a top priority to our congregation. We participate by planting community gardens, using compostable plates/bowls/cups, battery and paper recycling and giving educational lectures. Don't have a garden but are itching to dig in to God's rich soil? Our community gardens are open to the public. Join us to plant, weed, water and harvest!
When the Presbyterian Church was becoming established in America, our spiritual ancestors laid out six "great ends of the church" which Presbyterians would take as their charge. One of these was "the promotion of social righteousness." Our ministry team seeks to lead the congregation in fulfilling this call by holding before us major issues in which we need to lead society. We promote effective ways of dealing with poverty and its human cost through such programs as the Offering of Letters sponsored by Bread for World. We encourage participating in the annual Peacemaking Offering in which our denomination has been involved for close to half a century. We make available to the congregation materials which may be of help in identifying and interpreting social justice issues in which we should be interested. Our team reaches out to involve as many congregational members as possible as we seek each other's input and encourage our congregation to be faithful to the call of Christ to his people in our time.
As a Matthew 25 church, we are committed to active engagement in the world through building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism, and eradicating systemic poverty.
February 2, 2025 Homward Bound Day Center/Severe Weather Shelter Valentine's Day Fundraiser February 14 at Westminster Presbyterian Church. January 26, 2025 The holidays are over but the need continues. We hope you’ll consider helping the People to People pantry with any or all of the following items: January 15, 2025 California Wild Fires Disaster Relief
Sharon Kandel (South Sudan)
Michael and Rachel Ludwig (Niger)
Elmarie and Scott Parker (Lebanon)
First Presbyterian Church of Wooster
621 College Avenue Wooster, OH 44691
Office Hours: M, T, TH 9:00-4:00
Questions? Want to connect?
(330) 264-9420