You’re invited to join a discussion of the book Christ of the Celts by J. Philip Newell on Thursday evenings from September 21 through October 12. We’ll meet from 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. in the church library.
Newell, one of the foremost experts on Celtic spirituality and former Warden of Iona Abbey in the Western Isles of Scotland, offers a reflection on the "forgotten" Jesus, the Christ of the ancient Celtic tradition. Drawing on the gospels of Thomas and the Acts of John and early Celtic writers, Newell outlines the Celtic vision of sacred unity and harmony between God, nature and humankind, and contrasts it with more conventional Christian beliefs.
Christ of the Celts is available for purchase online in paperback and electronic formats. At our first meeting on September 21, we’ll be discussing the preface and chapter 1. Please contact Carol Gates at or 330-264-3413 with questions or to sign up. « Back to Blog