This year we will be hosting one Adult Faith Formation class. We will meet in the Parlor and use Brian Mclaren’s We Make The Road By Walking. This book hopes to help groups and individuals seize the moment and walk wisely and joyfully into the future together. It is a work of Christian Theology but many faith traditions can find meaning in it. It is also a work of constructive theology- offering a positive, practical, open, faithful, improvable, and fresh articulation of Christian faith suitable for any person. We will study scripture, relate it to our lives, and learn from each other through conversation. There is no need to purchase the book to find connectivity to the class but copies can be purchased through Amazon if desired. Email Amy Baxstrom at if you have any questions.
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First Presbyterian Church of Wooster
621 College Avenue Wooster, OH 44691
Office Hours: M, T, TH 9:00-4:00
Questions? Want to connect?
(330) 264-9420