Severe Weather Shelter
Imagine you're homeless, living on the street, or in your car. Now imagine it's January. Pretty hard for most of us to imagine.
Volunteers and financial support are needed for the Severe Weather Shelter this winter. This effort also supports our Matthew 25 mission of eradicating systemic poverty. Your help is needed to open the shelter when the weather or wind chill dips to 25o or less. Located at the Salvation Army, financial support for this life-saving service comes primarily from local donors like you.
Volunteers are needed to staff the shelter from 6-10 pm nightly, at which time paid professional staff are in charge, as well as to provide meals. Financial donations are needed mostly for the overnight staffing.
You can donate on the Severe Weather Shelter fundraising page on the United Way website at this link:, or by sending your check, made out to United Way of Wayne/Holmes with the words “Severe Weather Shelter” written on the memo line, and mail to United Way of Wayne and Holmes Counties, 215 S. Walnut Street, Wooster, Ohio 44691. Thank you for your consideration. If you have questions or wish to volunteer, contact Carla Hall,
First Presbyterian Church of Wooster
621 College Avenue Wooster, OH 44691
Office Hours: M, T, TH 9:00-4:00
Questions? Want to connect?
(330) 264-9420