Fall Academy of Religion

September 17, 2022

The 53rd Annual Fall Academy of Religion Lecture series on "The Changing Religious World" will be held in Bruch Hall at First Presbyterian Church (621 College Ave). All lectures will be held on Wednesdays at the set schedule (see below) from 7:30-9pm with the venue arranged for physical distancing. The Advisory Committee for the Academy requests all attendees wear masks during these lectures.

For questions about the Academy or those who wish to express interest in serving on the Advisory Committee, please direct correspondence to Dr. Jeremy Rapport (jrapport@wooster.edu) or Chaplain Erin Guzmán (eguzman@wooster.edu). 

The Academy of Religion Lecture series offers gratitude and appreciation to The College of Wooster and its incredible Religious Studies faculty and students, the J. Arthur Baird Endowment, Religious & Spiritual Life (RSL), and First Presbyterian Church for their support of this each year.

Wednesday, S EP T E M B ER 14 :
What Has Happened to Religion in the United States?
Dr. Jeremy Rapport
Associate Professor of Religious Studies The College of Wooster
In the first lecture in the series,
Dr. Rapport will use recent survey data to examine how religious communities are, and are not, changing in the United States over the past 10-15 years.

Wednesday, S EP T E M B ER 2 1:
Hindu Perspectives on the Self and Transformation
Dr. Bhakti Mamtora
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies The College of Wooster
This talk analyzes sacred texts and everyday practices to illustrate Hindu attitudes towards change. It focuses how Hindus conceive of the self, the place and relation of the self to others in the world, and the effects self -transformation.

Wednesday, OCTOBER 19:
Columbus, Christianity, and Change
Dr. Terry Hawley Reeder
Visiting Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
The College of Wooster
The myths and symbols surrounding Christopher Columbus have changed significantly for both Church and State. Columbus was once celebrated as the discoverer of America, an Italian icon, and the bearer of Christianity to a New World.  Now Columbus is viewed (by some) as an icon of Christian colonialism. Multiple Christianities, including the Presbyterian Church USA, are actively working against the doctrine which centers around Columbus: The Doctrine of Discovery (DoD). This talk will give a snapshot of changing ideas of Columbus and an introduction to the DoD.

Wednesday, O C T O B E R 26 :
Change(s) in Buddhism(s)
Dr. Mark Graham
Associate Professor of Religious Studies The College of Wooster
Dr. Graham examines both changes in critical Buddhist conceptual matters such as impermanence, and diversities and diversifications in Buddhist traditions as they have moved into different cultural contexts.

Wednesday, NOVEMBER 9:
Wooster Students Speak on Religion
In this new format event, students from the College of Wooster will discuss religion in their lives and how they understand the ways religion changes. Moderated by Reverend Erin Guzmán, College of Wooster Chaplain, the presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer period.

Wednesday, NOVEM B E R 16 :
Local Religious Leaders Speak
In our final event of the series, we will hear from three local religious leaders on change in their communities. Moderated by Reverend David Rice of First Presbyterian Church, these leaders will examine questions such as, What do you consider the most significant or important change in the life of your community over the past 20 years? What have been the effects of that change for your community? What most concerns you about the future of your community? A question- and-answer session will follow.



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