As part of our Matthew 25 Initiative (Build Congregational Vitality, Dismantle Structural Racism, and Eradicate Systemic Poverty) we are called to help those in need. One great thing our congregation does is help to support our community in many different ways. I know many of you volunteer on boards, at schools, in different organizations and with many different people. My vision for First Presbyterian Church is to work on one part of this initiative each month starting in August with collecting school supply kits. Our neighboring schools are affected by the poverty of our community and our amazing teachers often purchase necessary supplies out of pocket. These kits will include basic elements that any teacher can grab when a student is without. Below is a list of the needed items for each kit. Please purchase a full kit and place all items in a Ziploc bag for ease of disbursement. There are also "Other Items" that teachers often run out of throughout the year. Those items do not need to be bagged and can be purchased "a la cart". Items can be dropped off in the totes in the gathering area by August 28th. Thank you!
Amy Baxstro
Items should be placed inside a gallon Other Items Needed– These items do not Ziploc bag need to be bagged
1. #2 Pencils 1. Plastic Folders– all colors.
2. P encil top erasers/regular erasers 2. Composition Notebooks
3. 3 Large Glue Sticks 3. Kleenex
4. 2 Black Dry Erase Markers 4. Disinfecting Wipes
5. 16 Count Box of Crayons
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First Presbyterian Church of Wooster
621 College Avenue Wooster, OH 44691
Office Hours: M, T, TH 9:00-4:00
Questions? Want to connect?
(330) 264-9420