Congregational Conversations March 27 & April 3

March 14, 2022

For the past several months, the Session of our church has been planning for a series of Congregational Conversations to address concerns, improve communication, share rationales for decision-making, and begin envisioning the future for our life and ministry through First Presbyterian.  With the engagement of a dedicated and experienced facilitator, we are ready to commence this process in earnest.  Jeanne Zimmerly Jantzi has spent 29 years in helping a variety of organizations and churches come together around faithful listening, clear communicating, the mutual sharing of ideas and vision.
In preparation for our time together, we will have the opportunity to participate in a survey that Jeanne has created to invite both affirmations and concerns for our conversations. Then, on Sunday, March 27, she will facilitate an intergenerational discussion entitled, “Seen, Heard, Respected” during our Sunday School hour and lead worship at both worship services.  The following Sunday, April 3, also during the Sunday School hour, Jeanne will facilitate a conversation entitled “Crowd-Sourcing the Future” – a time to imagine together as our congregation moves towards a post-pandemic re-set.

This is an ambitious, necessary, and timely undertaking for all of us at this moment in the life of First Presbyterian.  I hope you will not only plan to participate, but also pray for the process, our “Lenten Work,” in this holy season.

Blessings and Peace,

Fill out the survey here: Congregational Conversations Survey

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First Presbyterian Church of Wooster

First Presbyterian Church of Wooster
621 College Avenue Wooster, OH 44691
Office Hours: M, T, TH 9:00-4:00

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